Please view the latest Standards Australia e-newsletter here. Change to download process for public comment drafts.
See the latest on the Australian plumbing supply chain!
Read MorePlease view the latest Standards Australia e-newsletter here. Change to download process for public comment drafts.
PPI Group June 2018 E-Newsletter In the June 2018 E-Newsletter, a review of the 2018 Plumbing Supply Forum, research project – Lead in plumbing products and materials, a drive for new membership PPI Group, Australian Standards sale, media releases and many more plumbing related topics!
Please view the latest Standards Australia e-newsletter here. Action Plan for 2018-2019 released.
The biannual Plumbing Supply Forum took place on Tuesday 22 May 2018 in Sydney, with an array of presenters both from within and outside the sector discussing the important issues facting the plumbing industry. Highlights from the event by Adelle King – Plumbing Connection Session speakers’ powerpoint presentations
PPI Group May 2018 E-Newsletter The PPI Group has formed a Lead in Drinking Water Working Group to identify critical issues for the future, and has developed a detailed position paper regarding the ABCB and Professor Mark Taylor from Macquarie University’s research project. All documents are available on the PPI Group website.